
Why participate in competitions?

Any participation in creative festivals, competitions is really an opportunity for a creative person to show themselves in public https://telegram-store.com/catalog/product-category/channels/music, demonstrating their abilities.

Speaking of adults who are into music or other activities, this is an unequivocally accurate statement. But is it accurate for children? Obviously, children’s psyche is under a lot of stress, and since performing is a strong psychological strain, it can have an impact on a child. Of course, if we’re talking about winning a competition, then yes, it will bring a lot of joy. But if it is a failure?

Experts believe that children need to participate in competitions. The question is not about the possible psychological burden, but about what age to start. This is what we need to consider in detail.

At what age is desirable to start participating in competitions?

Someone says you should start as early as possible to rid the child of fear of the public. Here it all depends primarily on the parents. The appearance of a young child on stage for the jury is a real treat. True, their task is to look at the talent, and then the age. If the child fails, and the parents understand and support him, then everything is fine. But there are parents who will show clear dissatisfaction and begin to criticize the jury. In this case, the unstable psyche can leave trauma.

It’s not worth requiring children to do something they can’t do at the moment. You should not be disappointed by defeat, because any failure is a motivation for the future. Parents should not demand victory from the child, all in good time.

Bottom line: so why do children need competitions? 

In a nutshell:

  1. A change of scenery generates genuine interest. New acquaintances, an interesting atmosphere. Motivation to win develops discipline.
  2. Competitive interest gives kids excitement. And early performances remove stage fright. Adults who did not pass the psychological barrier in childhood are afraid of the audience for the rest of their lives.
  3. Developing a child’s self-confidence. Such at first an extreme environment in the future will bear fruit and “harden” his or her psyche.
  4. Children learn to watch their time. After all, preparing for the creative competition takes a lot of time and effort, which means you will need to learn to manage them competently. This is certainly a necessary quality that not all adults have. 
  5. With each new contest, victory or defeat, the demands on the child will grow. This is a sign of his professional growth.